Beautiful Container Designs | Container Garden Combination Ideas

Container Gardening


While in Little Rock at Garden2Blog, I got to see many gorgeous containers that P. Allen Smith and his crew have designed for their clients, the Original Garden Home Retreat, and his home at Moss Mountain Farm. It’s no surprise that the containers were super gorgeous, so that was one part of the trip that I knew would just be awesome. I thought I’d share the container garden love by posting some of the pics of containers I saw and a list of the plants I think he used.

This photo doesn’t do the greatest job of showing off this container to it’s best advantage, but in case it’s not clear, the large plant that is at the top of the photo is a star jasmine trained as a topiary standard. It was very pretty and smelled amazing. The jasmine is underplanted with ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Purple’ sweet potato vine and ‘Supertunia Bermuda Beach’ petunias.

The plant in front is a coleus. I’m not sure which exact variety, but ‘Chocolate Mint’ and ‘Chocolate Drop’ are both similar. Behind the coleus, Allen’s team planted a Fountain Grass called ‘Fireworks.’

I saw Allen doing the “pot-within-a-pot” thing several times, and quite frankly, his are among the nicest I’ve seen. On the right, those are strawberries. The photo on the left shows rosemary in the top, sage in the middle, and thyme and ‘Spicy Globe’ basil in the bottom.

The back left pot has lantana (maybe ‘Patriot Classic Parasol?’. The back right one has a blueberry bush of some sort, possibly ‘Top Hat’which is a great variety for those of you in zones 4/5-7. The pot in front has ‘Superbells Blue’ calibrachoa, a variegated ivy (‘Gold Child?’), and some sort of spikey mystery plant. Any ideas on what it might be?