
Best Hosta Varieties You Can Grow in Containers

I’ve been reading through my review copy of The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack. It’s a great introduction to hostas, with a focus on plants that form clumps less than 15 inches tall, and some as small as 6 inches tall. The really great thing about the hostas featured in Little Hostas is that they are all well-suited to container gardens, some practically require it.

I didn’t know much about hostas before reading this book. Hostas aren’t particularly well-suited to Southern California’s hot, dry summers. But after reading Little Hostas, I’ve fallen in lust with several of these diminutive plants. Here are my three favorites:

Hosta ‘X-Rated’ –


I love the ribbon-like leaves. And the name. This hosta does best in dappled shade, according to Little Hostas, and can be grown in a tub or in a rock garden.

Hosta ‘Snow Mouse’ –

This plant has fantastic blue-green leaves with splashes of cream down the center. The Shadracks say that this hosta will take some sun and is best grown in a ceramic container.

Hosta ‘Dragon Tails’ 

Great chartreuse color and ruffled leaves. The Shadracks recommend light shade, and I can really see this plant bringing some zip to a shady window box

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