How long Do Succulents Live

Gardening Tips

If you are curious about how long succulents live, read this detailed guide to learn about the lifespan of these plants.

Succulents are long-lived houseplants widely loved for their myriad shapes, sizes, and colors. If you are wondering How Long Do Succulents Live.

How long Do Succulents Live

How long Do Succulents Live 1

Succulents are slow-growers, drawing a wrong conception that they live for several years. But they don’t! These low-maintenance houseplants comprise a vast range of species, and their lifespan depends on the variety, you are growing.

Many succulents live for 3-4 years while giving out pups in their lifetime. These pups, in turn, grow into succulents, and the cycle continues. One such example is Hens and Chicks. While varieties like Jade plants survive up to 100 years, Barrel cactus can outlive centuries, and Living stones can live for up to 50 years.

How to Keep a Succulent Alive

While succulents are long-lived houseplants, it is essential to provide them with their native growing conditions to help them thrive longer:

1. Water Carefully

How long Do Succulents Live 2

Follow a ‘Soak and Dry’ method for your succulents. Water the plant thoroughly until it flows out of the drainage holes. Let the soil dry out before the next shower. Do not overwater.

2. Prune Them Timely

Snip away the dry and yellow leaves to keep them alive for long. Prune them at the beginning of the growing season to divert the energy towards new and healthy growth.

3. Feed Them the Right

Succulent fertilizer

Succulents aren’t heavy feeders. Fertilize them using a liquid fertilizer once in 4-5 weeks during the summer months. Slow-release fertilizers like steeped tea, fish emulsion, or humic acid fertilizer work the best.

4. Use Good Quality Soil

Succulents need porous, well-draining soil that does not retain water for long. Root rot is the most significant issue that persists from wet and soggy soil.

Amend the medium with enough sand, pumice, crushed granite, and perlite to make an appropriate mix for your succulents.

5. Take Care of Pests

Succulent Pests

Most succulents are prone to diseases like mealy bugs, scales, spider mites, and fungus gnats that inhibit their growth. Spray the plant with an insecticidal solution to keep them pest-free. Avoid overwatering to keep potential diseases at bay.

6. Give Them Room to Breathe

While most succulents love to stay root-bound, it is vital to repot them every 2-3 years when the roots start peeping out of the drainage holes or above the soil surface. This will allow them to breathe freely and live longer.

Quick Tips to Keep a Succulent Healthy

Keep a Succulent Healthy
  • Do not wet the leaves while watering the plant.
  • Keep the plant away from extreme temperature conditions — scorching heat or frost.
  • Clean the foliage regularly with a soft microfiber cloth and soapy water.
  • Ensure the plant has ample sunlight, depending on its needs.
  • Do not prune or fertilize during the winter.
  • Get the best tips to grow larger succulents here