Rose Container Garden Ideas | Growing Roses in Containers

Container GardeningGarden Ideas

If you don’t have a garden, growing roses in containers is a great idea! Check out this guide to find out some beautiful rose container garden combinations and how to grow roses in containers.

Super Simple Rose Container Idea

Plant white or cream colored rose in the center of a pot that is 18 inches deep and wide. Spread an even layer of Lobelia Cascade of Color seeds over the surface of the dirt. When the lobelia has grown in, they’ll cover the dirt and cascade over the sides of the pot with blooms in jewel tones of blue, purple, pink and white.

Miniature Rose Container Recipe

Start with a pot that is at least 18 inches tall and wide. Place a Bronze New Zealand Flax or other bronze colored grass in the back of the pot, all the way against the back rim. [some dwarf varieties of flax: ‘Tom Thumb’, ‘Platt’s Black’, ‘Jack Spratt’] Plant a ‘Sequoia Gold’ miniature rose in front of the flax and to the right. It will eventually trail over the side of the pot. To the left of the rose, in front of the flax, plant a dwarf shasta daisy.

Other Easy Rose Container Ideas


  • Plant a red rose in the middle back of the pot. In front of the rose, plant baby’s breath, and in front of that, plant blue and yellow pansies.
  • In the back, right corner, plant a purple rose. In the back left corner, plant sage. In the front, center of the pot, plant a yellow calibrachoa (million bells).
  • Plant a pink or apricot colored rose in the center of the pot and sow blue love-in-a-mist in the dirt around the base of the rose.

Caring for Container Grown Roses

To prepare the soil for use in a rose container, mix 2 parts good quality, fast draining potting soil with 1 part well-composted steer manure, and 1 cup rose fertilizer that contains bone meal.

Roses are heavy feeders, they need fertile conditions to produce lots of flowers. Continue to fertilize your roses regularly, according to the fertilizer package instructions. You can also sprinkle Epsom salts on the soil from time to time to give your roses the magnesium they need. They also like plenty of water. Water your rose whenever the soil feels dry to the touch.

This is a good resource on pruning roses. Don’t neglect your pruning duties! Your rose bush really needs it for optimum health and to maintain a nice shape. Know that it is almost impossible to kill your rose by pruning it, so there’s no need to procrastinate!

Repot roses every two years or so. Even if you only trim their roots and repot them in the same container, they’ll benefit from the fresh soil.