What to Grow with Cherry Tree in Containers

Gardening Tips

Find out What to Grow with Cherry Trees in Containers. Select plants that attract pollinators and help produce a bountiful harvest.

If you love munching on cherries but don’t have a lot of space to grow them, don’t worry. You can grow them in containers as well, and the best part is that you can have a few plants alongside for the benefit of both. Check out What to Grow with Cherry Trees in Containers.

Can You Grow Cherry Tree in a Pot?

What to Grow with Cherry Tree in Containers 1

The question running through your mind may be: Is it even possible? Yes, it is! However, since cherry trees have many different cultivars and varieties, ascertaining the right one for your needs and climate conditions is necessary. Excluding that, there are certain varieties that are not self-seeding, and hence, it is required to grow more than 1 in a single pot (however, self-fertile varieties do exist as well).

Since you desire the entire tree must fit in a pot, choosing a dwarf variety would be the best option for both visual and fruit appeal.

Cherry trees will flourish in pots if the right conditions and care are provided to them. You can learn more about how to proceed with this in the next section.

Ideal Pot Size

For planting a cherry tree in a container, the best option is a dwarf, sweet, self-pollinating variety. The container should be quite large to ensure the tree gets enough moisture and nutrients; for instance, a 15-25 gallon pot is suitable for a 5-foot tree. Choose 30-45 gallon pots for semi-dwarf types grafted on Colt or Gisela rootstock.

Tall containers at least 16-24 inches deep should be used to provide space for root growth; wide pots give root area to spread horizontally.

Additionally, make sure the container has one or more drainage holes.

Tip: The pot will become extremely heavy after adding soil, trees, and water, so place it on a rolling trolley or stand for mobility.

Requirements to Grow Cherry Tree in a Pot

What to Grow with Cherry Tree in Containers 2


Cherry trees need at least 6 hours of full sunlight on a daily basis to remain healthy. Ensure that the pot is placed in a location where there are no overlying obstacles or shade.


Cherry trees prefer moisture-retentive soil but not waterlogged. They need it to be well-draining and have a decent amount of air circulation. To create a potting mix yourself, simply mix 1 part sand, 1 part peat, and 1 part perlite along with a bit of an organic fertilizer that is NOT nitrogen-focussed as those will help the foliage instead of the fruits.


Regular watering, especially during the blooming season, is necessary. You can reduce the frequency during the dormant season; however, ensure that the water does not remain stagnant at the bottom of the pot, as this increases the chance of root rot.


Do not feed the plant with high nitrogen content in NPK as it leads to the growth of leaves with less or no fruits.


Repot the cherry tree in 2-3 years till it attains a full height, the current pot has to be 2-3 times wider than the root ball.

How to Grow a Cherry Tree in a Pot?

Cherry Tree in a Pot

  • Choose an apt-sized pot to grow your tree.
  • Partially fill in the container with the soil mix you previously created.
  • Take a young cherry tree that is available at any nursery and gently place it in the pot.
  • Cover up the sides with the soil making sure that the tree stands erect but is not strangled or suffocated.
  • Once the planting process is complete, place the tree in a location where it receives the right environmental requirements and provides it with the necessary care, such as watering, occasional fertilization, and pruning.

What to Grow with Cherry Tree in Containers

As mentioned before, if you are choosing a variety of cherry trees that require a pollinizer, then a compatible tree must be planted in the same pot to help cross-pollinate and produce fruits.

Different cherry tree varieties have different pollinizers, so according to your growing choice, a suitable pollen-donating tree is required.

But for other reasons, a plethora of plants can be grown with the cherry tree to help both, such as:

1. Chive

Chive Plant in pot

Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

Chives are bulbous perennials and can be paired with cherry trees, like Bonnie and Clyde. They provide ornamental value and have multiple practical uses. These plants have a natural pest-deterring odor that keeps away common insects and aphids. However, if they repel some, they attract others! They also attract pollinators, and butterflies flock to these companion plants.

2. Marigold

Marigold Plant in pot

Botanical Name: Tagetes

Another pest repellent is Marigold. The colorful, sphere-like blooms emit a scent that repels pests but is well-known to control the number of nematodes in the soil, which can reduce soil quality and, in turn, be harmful to the cherry tree. This perfect companion plant for the cherry tree also attracts pollinators, therefore maintaining a balance in the ecosystem of your garden.

Not only butterflies but songbirds are also spotted alongside this flower.

3. Garlic

Growing Garlic In pot

Botanical Name: Allium sativum

Garlic and cherries may not look appetizing on the plate, but they make a good combo in the pot. Garlic is known for its antibacterial properties, which can help keep diseases at bay. Certain research also says that it boosts the soil quality and makes it a better place for thriving cherry trees.

Finally, garlic is notorious for its odor, which deters pests and small animals from feasting on the fruits of the cherry tree.

4. Chamomile

Beautiful Chamomile in pot

Botanical Name: Matricaria chamomilla

Not only does it add a minimalist beauty to the cherry tree pot, but Chamomile also attracts beneficial insects that deter the less-beneficial ones, such as the Oriental fruit moth. The strong scent also helps draw in pollinators such as butterflies and bees, adding another level of natural beauty to your garden.

5. Comfrey

Comfrey in containers

Botanical Name: Symphytum grandiflorum

Since the cherry tree is in a pot, the soil quality may cause issues later on. Growing comfrey as a companion plant can help resolve this issue. Comfreys are known for accumulating nutrients from the depths of the soil, allowing the cherry tree to reap its benefits. The fallen leaves of this plant also act as mulch, providing additional nutrition to the cherry tree growing next to it.

6. Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums plant in wooden pot

Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus

Nasturtiums attract beneficial bugs like lacewings or ladybugs that prey on aphids and other small insects that can harm the cherry tree. They are also a good ground cover, and growing them around the cherry tree will help the soil retain moisture.