Windy Balcony Garden | Everything You Need to Know for a Thriving Balcony Garden

Balcony Gardening

I don’t know about your balcony, but mine was getting blown around like crazy today, with a cool spring wind. In case you have a breezy balcony, here is some great advice on dealing with wind:

  • How to Grow Edibles on a Windy Balcony– Wind poses several problems to vegetable container gardens. First, it can damage the plant by ripping off leaves, or breaking branches. It can also tear off flowers before they can be pollinated. No pollination, no fruit/vegetables. Wind can also be cold, a bad thing if you’re trying to grow warm season vegetables like tomatoes or eggplant. Finally, wind dries plants and soil out.
  • Strategies for Dealing With Wind on a Balcony – Don’t be dissuaded from gardening in the sky! While not every plant is suitable to being batted around by the wind, there are things you can do to help your plants cope.
  • Plants for Full-Sun, High Wind Balconies – Check out the plants below that are tough enough to stand up to the wind and the sun.
  • Roses for Windy Balconies – Three container recipes that feature roses and wind-tolerant plants.
  • Plants for Part-Sun, High Wind Balconies – If you have a shade and windy balcony, grow these plants.