How to Grow Night Blooming Cactus Indoors

How tos

Do you want to know How to Grow Night Blooming Cactus Indoors? Then find what this plant needs to flourish in this post.

How to Grow Night Blooming Cactus Indoors

The night-blooming cactus is a tropical epiphyte to lithophyte; it is a member of the cactus family. Grow this succulent in a well-draining cactus mix in partial shade or bright indirect light. If you want to know How to Grow Night Blooming Cactus Indoors, read the details in this post.

Botanical Name: Epiphyllum oxpetalum

Common Names: Pitahaya, Queen of the Night, Dutchman’s pipe cactus, Night-blooming cereus, Jungle cactus,

Night-Blooming Cactus

The name ‘night-blooming cactus’ is commonly used to refer to several plants that are flowering cacti that only blooms in the night. Many such flowers only bloom once a year for just one night.

This type of cactus thrives in a rainforest environment rather than a typical arid desert, meaning it requires more water than most cacti. In its natural habitat, it typically grows on trees but can also be successfully cultivated in a pot. Instead of true leaves, it has flattened stems that root easily. When mature, it can produce flowers from spring through mid-summer.

Usually, all bear flowers in shades of white and cream that also release a strong fragrance. The blooms only open up after it gets dark and begin to wilt by dawn.

Propagating Night Blooming Cactus

Propagating Night Blooming Cactus

The best way to grow night-blooming cactus is by cuttings.

Spring is the best time to start the plant from cuttings. Select a healthy plant and look for a “Y” shaped stem. This is where you should take the cutting from. Snip off any part of the ‘Y-shaped’ stem, ensuring it is at least 6-8 inches long.
Allow the cutting to callus by keeping it in a dark area for two weeks. Once the cutting forms a callus, you can plant it in a pot filled with a fresh cactus mix. Mist the growing medium using a spray bottle, cover the cutting with a plastic bag, and keep the pot in a spot where it gets bright but indirect sunlight. The cutting will form roots in 2-4 weeks.

If you want to save time, you can always buy a well-grown plant from a nursery or a garden center.

Best Container Size for Night Blooming Cactus

Container Size for Night Blooming Cactus

If you are starting the cuttings at home, start with a 4-6-inch pot. Though the plant can grow up to 5-8 feet tall indoors, it will take its own sweet time to get there. You can always repot the plant according to its growth.

For nursery-bought plants, it would be wise to repot them into a bigger container. Make sure that you are using clay pots with a drainage hole at the bottom.

Requirements for Growing Night Blooming Cactus Indoors

Night Blooming Cactus in pot


Being a cactus, the plant would love to bask in as much sunlight as you can offer it. Placing it by an East or south-facing window would be the best option. If you live in a warm region, make sure that the plant is not exposed to the harsh afternoon sun for long hours.


The key to growing a healthy plant is to use a soil mix that is well-draining. If you want to play safe, use a growing medium designed specifically for cacti like the cactus mix. A mix of perlite, soil, bark, and charcoal in equal quantities could also work well for the plant.


It is important to remember that the cactus would not need as much water as the other houseplants. It is best to allow the soil to dry between watering. Touch the topsoil to see if it’s a bit on the dry side before you water the plant again.

Keep in mind that watering should be reduced during winter and fall.


The night-blooming cactus can tolerate heat and thrives well in temperatures up to 100 F or 40 C with a little bit of shade. Save the plants from cold drafts of air and also avoid exposing them to sudden temperature changes.

Night Blooming Cactus Care

white flowers


The best fertilizers are 10-10-10 or 5-10-10 blends. Dilute them to quarter or half strength before feeding the plant. Feed them once every 60-90 days. Also, avoid overfeeding the plant and using any fertilizer in winter, as it will weaken the plant.

Pests and Diseases

Mealybugs, scales, fungus gnats, and spider mites can affect the plant. They can be handpicked or killed using insecticidal soap.

Avoid overwatering the plant to keep it safe from most of the potential diseases.

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