
Dealing With Pests In A Container Garden: Caterpillars

I’m not sure about you, but my area of the world seems to be the international headquarters for th...

Five Different Types of Pots Every Gardener Should Try At Least Once

Part of the enjoyment of gardening–at least for me–is the challenge of learning something new. O...

Five Tips for Newbie Container Gardeners

There is no shame in being a newbie. Everyone has to start somewhere, and gardening is mostly a lear...

Five End of Summer Container Gardening Tips

Margaret Roach has a list of September gardening chores for people with traditional gardens, but w...

Five Fall Vegetables Every Container Gardener Should Try

Everyone should taste a just picked fruit or vegetable at least once in their life. Preferably a lot...

Five Easiest Flowers for Container Gardening

First up in the week of lists are fuss-free flowers that can easily be grown in containers. Yes, b...

Sow These Seeds Now for Fall Harvesting

I know you’re dragging your heels, not wanting to admit that Fall and that dreaded last season of ...

Another Shady Container Garden Idea

One of my friends mentioned that she really has a hard time with a few pots that live underneath the...

Sun Safety is Very Important for All Types of Gardeners

Sue recently highlighted an article that pointed out that gardeners have an increased risk of ski...

Peach and Basil Summer Rolls

In honor of picking my first (and only) peach from my tree this season, I thought I would share this...