10 Gardeners You Should Follow on Twitter


I resisted Twitter for a long time. Whenever anyone mentioned it, I let out a huff and said it was a completely banal forum for people to tell the world that they just brushed their teeth. I realize now that I was acting out of ignorance. Yes, there is a lot of banality on Twitter. But if you choose who to follow wisely, you’ll learn a lot of interesting information and have a good time doing it.

Here are some great garden tweeple to follow (in no particular order):

  1. Nest in Style
  2. Indigo Gardens
  3. Green Lasagna
  4. Anarchy Garden
  5. Invisible Bees
  6. BHG Garden Ed
  7. Mother Earth News
  8. Sunshine Garden
  9. Eric Garden Fork
  10. Red White and Grew

Who do you think is a “must follow” on Twitter?

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