Calendula Herbal Salve-ation Recipe


Earlier I mentioned that I had rediscovered a great article in an old issue of Vegetarian Times about herbs that have healing properties. This salve couldn’t bea easier to make. And you’ll be glad you made it when winter brings chapped lips and dry skin…

Here’s How to Make the Salve:

  1. When the flowers are barely past full bloom pull off each petal and drop them into a small jar of good olive oil. Cover and put it in a cool, dark place.
  2. A couple of weeks later, open the jar and use a paper towel to blot up the layer of water that has risen to the surface. Pour the oil into a small pan and add about a third as much beeswax. Warm, stirring occasionally, over low heat until the beeswax has melted into the oil. Pour the mixture into a small tin or jar and let cool.
  3. If it’s a bit runny when it cools, simply reheat it and add a little more beeswax.

Article author Cynthia Barstow suggests that “this salve soothes chapped lips, scratched hands and any other irritated skin. In fact, the German Commission E (considered the world authority on herbal remedies) has approved calendula for healing cuts and burns.”

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