How to Grow Beans in Pots


Beans are easy to grow, nutritious, and posses a crisp and tender flavor. Save up space by learning how to grow beans in pots!

Beans are a warm-season crop and are mainly divided into two categories: pole beans and bush beans. Both these beans are well adaptable to container growing. Plus, growing beans in pots gives you the advantage of starting early in the season. In this post, we discuss how to grow beans in the pots.

Growing Beans in Pots

How to Grow Beans in Pots


Late spring or early summer is considered the best time for sowing seeds. Sow the seeds an inch deep and cover them again with soil. For bush varieties, space the seeds 3 inches apart from each other. Sow 2-3 seeds of pole varieties near the supporting cane or pole. Seeds germinate quickly in warm soil. Make sure to sow seeds after the danger of frost has passed or provide adequate protection.

Selection of a Variety

The main factor to consider when it comes to varieties is whether you are looking for pole or bush varieties. Both varieties offer some very suitable choices of beans that’ll do well in the container. Kentucky Wonder, Blue Lake Pole, or Topcrop are some of the best container-growing options. If you are looking for a visual marvel, go for Painted Lady; its red and white flowers are beautiful. Red Rum is a popular variety of self-fertile beans. So, in the end, it all depends on your needs!

Choosing a Container

Choosing a Container

Pole beans or vining beans require a support structure to grow, which you’ll need to provide in the container. These support structures take up space and need to be embedded deep enough for stability; thus, the container should be both large and deep. Any container that’s 8-9 inches or deeper is sufficient for pole beans whereas bush beans will grow easily in 6-7 inches deep container. The diameter of the container depends on the number of plants you are planning to have. You can also use a barrel, as it’ll be both stable and large enough. If you are looking to plant beans in grow bags, go for bush haricot beans.

Requirements for Growing Beans in Pots

Growing Beans in Pots indoor


Beans thrive in warm and sunny locations, so place the pot accordingly. Choose a sunny windowsill or any other spot that receives maximum sunlight. You can also place the pot on the patio or porch.


The soil should be lightweight, well-draining, and rich in organic matter. Prepare your batch of the potting mix by using well-draining soil, vermiculite or perlite, and sphagnum moss or compost in equal parts. If you plan to buy the potting mix, make sure to check the label for these ingredients.


Keep the soil evenly moist and regularly check the soil has become dry 2-3 inches below the surface. Insufficient watering can cause the blooms to fall off, which in turn affects the harvest. Make sure to provide plenty of water, especially when plants become mature and flower. Early morning and evening spraying over foliage and flowers are also beneficial.


Caring for Beans in Pots

Caring for Beans in Pots


You can incorporate a time-release fertilizer into the soil at the time of planting. Once the plant has been established, feeding beans once a month with a liquid fertilizer diluted half to its strength can do wonders. For an eco-friendly approach, you can use organic fish emulsion.

Pests and Diseases

Pole beans are more susceptible to pests than bush beans. Apart from aphids, mealybugs, and other common garden pests snails and slugs can also harm the plant. Mexican bean beetle is another garden pest you should look out for. If the infestation is not severe, you can handpick the pests or use horticultural soap or neem oil.


Almost all bean varieties will be ready to harvest within 45 to 65 days. As soon as the beans have completely filled up, the pod harvests them. Waiting too long will harden up the beans, and they’ll lose their tenderness. For extended yield, pole beans are better as bush beans mature all at once.

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