Orange, Blue, and White Flowers for Garden


Maybe it’s because I went to a high school whose colors are orange, blue, and white. Or maybe I was dropped on my head too many times when I was a baby (I actually took a flying leap off a balcony when I was two…). But whatever the reason, I love orange and blue. I love them even more when they’re together. I hope you’re not sick of this topic, because I was thinking of combined these plants I recently purchased from Annies Annuals.

Sea Holly

Photo by Audreyjm529

Eryngium tripartitum, also known as the much easier-to-pronounce “Sea Holly” is a pretty neat looking plant. I originally got the idea to combine it with Feverfew from Annie, “For a eye-popping, color-contrasting combo, plant in front of Tanacetum parthenium aurea. Pow!” How could I resist? Annie says they like full-sun and sandy soil. I’ve got a great, sunny corner of my balcony just calling this guy’s name.



Photo by Roberto Verzo

I actually bought Feverfew (i.e. Tanacetum parthenium aurea) awhile back at the Fullerton Arboretum. I never really got around to using them, and they’ve just been sulking in a corner, neglected. I can see how their tiny white flowers would work well in contrast to the blue pineapple flowers of Sea Holly. They also like full sun, and Annie says they made good neighbors.

‘Apricot Chiffon’ California Poppy


Photo by Annies Annuals

I love California poppies. If you’re ever able to make it out to the San Diego area in early Spring, you must go to Anza-Borrego State Park. Imagine hill-upon-rolling-hill of glowing orange California Poppies. It’s breathtaking. The version I bought from Annies is a little more subdued, and frilly. Don’t tell Anza-Borrego, but I like it a little better than the “original” version.

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