All posts by admin

Simple Small Space Garden Ideas

When your entire “garden” is so small you feel embarassed calling it a garden (don’t be ashame...

More Great Container Combinations of Plants

If you’re looking for a few great plants to stick together and make a fabulous looking pot, then I...

How to Make a Trellis Out of Wire

While trying to find a shortcut out of a shopping center, I saw this trellis and thought it would be...

Using Bold Color in Small Gardens

A lot of people are intimidated by color. Even more so when the space they are dealing with is small...

How to Grow Onions in Containers

Onions make almost anything taste better, but they do leave that pesky bad breath in their wake. Unf...

Edible Plants You Can Grow on a Shady Balcony

There is a huge amount of interest in growing your own food, but most edible plants need lots and lo...

How to Get Your Forced Amaryllis to Bloom Again

Did you receive an Amaryllis as a gift last year? Maybe you were really lucky and received a Cybist...

Growing an Apple Tree in a Container

I recently planted a Fuji apple tree, and in the process, had to research a bunch of things about ap...

How to Grow Amaryllis’s Rebellious Cousin ‘Cybister’

I’ve never grown Amaryllis before, they seemed pretty enough, but they never really grabbed me the...

Gift Ideas for Container Gardeners

So, we all know it’s Black Friday, and there is also Cyber Monday for dot com businesses. So I tho...